The PSCSTA is in full-planning mode for our upcoming year. We welcome our new leadership including co-presidents Andrea Foegler, and Ken Hang as well as vice president Alex Kardokus, read more about them on our officer page. We also greatly thank the past leadership of Greg Kilpatrick, and Earl Bergquist who have successfully led this organization for many years. Lauren Bricker and Allison Obourn are continuing in their roles as Treasurer and Secretary respectively.

Along with our usual two programming contests (in December and April) and Tech Out! we plan to offer three substantive professional development opportunities for teachers this year. These opportunities will also include a $50 stipend for teachers who sign up in advance and attend the event, in addition to providing free clock hours, free parking, and lots of yummy snacks. We will also be offering three social events for teachers this year, in which we will get together to consume food and drinks and talk informally about computer science education.

Our tentative schedule for the year is below, check out our calendar in a few weeks for specific dates and more details about these events.

Tentative Schedule for the Year

  • September: Teacher Social Event
  • October: “Pathways in Computer Science”, event for both teachers and students
  • November: PSCSTA Leadership & Organizers Social Event
  • December: Fall Programming Contest for Students
  • January: Teacher Social Event
  • February: Tech Out!, event for girls grades 7 – 12
  • March: “Increasing Gender Diversity in your Classroom”, teacher professional development
  • April: April Programming Contest for Students
  • May: “Teaching Android Development”, teacher professional development
  • June: Teacher Social Event

We know how busy teachers can be! We hope we will see many of you (old faces and new) at more than one of these events! And please let us know if you are able to help out in organizing one of the contests or the October Pathways event.