
Donation Needs

We are a completely volunteer run association and as such we are extremely thankful for our sponsors (listed below) that have graciously provided both their own time and resources which contribute greatly to the success of our programs. Please consider donating either your time, or funds to help our programs continue to run strong.

Additionally, as an association we are always in need of the items listed below. If you can help with these items, please send us a message on our contact page.

  • Large spaces with significant power outlets to hold student events
  • Food donations, for both student and teacher events

Current Sponsors

The various sponsors below have supported the PSCSTA in the past, by way of funds, supplying volunteers, or lending space.


Amazon has provided both financial support and volunteers for numerous programming contests as well as our annual STEM Out! event for girls.

UW Dawg Bytes

UW Dawg Bytes helps to organize both teacher workshops and student events through many volunteers and by providing physical space for the events.


UW Human Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE) Department

Uw’s HCDE department has been an integral part of running the PACC competition each year. They have helped to create the data sets and challenges as well as provide mentor support to the students participating.

Living Computer Museum

The Living Computer Museum helps organize the annual PACC competition as well as providing space for student events.


TEALS has provided financial support and volunteers for our winter programming contest for the past two years.